Widget Tricks - Custom catalog card

The catalog card represents the published datasets of that portal. (see Exploring a dataset from the catalog).

The platform allows to customize the catalog cards displayed in the catalog of the portal, by providing custom HTML and CSS to override the default version. This resource propose different versions and technical tricks that can be used to highlighted datasets by keywords or theme for example.

Default look

The default look & feel of catalog cards for any new Opendatasoft portal.

Modern Look

Some styling upgrades to the default card to give it a sleeker look.

Hidden metrics

Dataset metrics can be viewed by hovering over the catalog card. To learn what other metadata can be displayed in a catalog card, check out the catalog card documentation.

Highlight datasets

Highlight datasets by adding visual contents like a picture or logo!

Full custom by ODS Discovery

Watermark, header border color, starred dataset by keyword and publisher, visual changes on hover…