Custom Views - GTFS Custom View

This custom view will let you display routes and stops from a General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) file. It can be used either as a custom view inside your catalog or on a custom page.

GTFS Routes and stops

3 steps install procedure:

  • Please ask for the activation of the GTFS extractors to the ODS support team
  • Upload the data (i, ii and iii correspond to three distinct datasets in your catalog):
    1. The GTFS raw datasets are uploaded on the platform using the classic extractor ‘CSV with attached media’
    2. The GTFS stations are uploaded by configuring each GTFS zip file as a source and by selecting ‘GTFS Stops’ for the extractor,
    3. The GTFS routes are uploaded by configuring each GTFS zip file as a source and by selecting ‘GTFS Routes’ for the extractor.

One needs to check the ‘Extract filename’ option during the steps 2 and 3. You may also configure the tooltips.

  • Create the custom tab: Copy and paste the code of the mini dashboard in order to visualize the routes and stops. Please check that you are using the correct dataset identifiers. The CSS code below implies that the map takes exactly the remaining height of the screen in the default theme configuration.

Note: This component cannot harness the capability of custom views to inherit the ctx context from catalog filters, since download links cannot be fitlered by routes or stops. It simply provides a nice way to display a gtfs and shows how to use other datasets in a custom view—not only the one you are currently exploring.

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