This generator builds a comparison dashboard. Edit a few settings and compare 2 values, such as territories or categories, from one dataset.
Ideal for listing! Edit only a few settings to generate a modern looking visulization that uses ODS components and widgets.
EXPERIMENTAL This generator builds a KPI wall. With specific parameters for each KPI card, it will compare values, compute a progression or analyse how your data evolved over time on a specific period. Like any other generator, it deals with all the complexity of manipulating dates, refining specific context, computing and comparing aggregation etc… As the code is complex, and the resource might be difficult to reuse, we consider it experimental and share it in an early stage.
This version is optimized for dataset custom views. It melts perfectly with dataset exploration layout by using filters and search bar. But while embeding the view it activates automatically it's own search and filters. Try it on code pen and in a dataset to see how it behaves
Ideal for Point of Interest datasets! Edit only a few settings to generate a modern looking visulization that uses ODS components and widgets.
Ideal for listing geographical information! Edit only a few settings to generate a modern looking visulization that uses ODS components and widgets.