Components - KPIs

KPI Card

Card to show off metrics and values. Has an icon, the KPI number and a small descriptive text.

An ods-aggregation example

Count the number of record of a dataset or compute the average/sum/min/max of a numeric field. On the left, the number of US hospitals. On the right, the average humidity in France recorded these past 11 years.

For more information about how to compute metrics, see ods-aggregation resource.

An ods-adv-analysis example

Use ods-adv-analysis widget working with ODS Explore API V2 to display advanced calculations on your pages. In the select parameter, you can enter an advanced query to make, following the ODSQL select clause.

For more information about how to compute metrics and use the other parameters of ods-adv-analysis, see ods-adv-analysis documentation.

In the exemple, on the first row, we display the percentage of positive tests of Covid-19 in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes; and on the second row, we display simple aggregations all made in one request through ods-adv-analysis.

Flip KPI

This card flip on user interaction to reveal more details about the dataset and how it is computed. This component will stretch vertically according to content size. If your content is too large, the horizontal overflow will be hidden on the back face.

KPI sync flip

By default flip kpi will be independant. If you want multiple KPIs to all to flip when one is clicked, you have lift the state variable to a containing element.