Components - Table module

Basic Table

Simple table. You just need to add the class table-basic to your table. If you want to make the header of the table sticky, you will need to add a container div class="table-module". Check the example below to get the required CSS.

Table with detail panel

This table allows clicks in order to open a hidden panel where more information an be displayed. You just need to add the class table-detail to your table. If you want to make the header of the table sticky, you will need to add a container div class="table-module". Check the example below to get the required CSS.

Table with dropdown

This table has a button that opens a dropdown menu, where actions or links can be added. You need to add the table-basic class to your table. If you want to make the header of the table sticky, you will need to add a container div class="table-module". Check the example below to get the required CSS and HTML in order to get the dropdown button working.

Advanced table

This table includes all the functionality presented in the previous examples. This table has a details panel, a dropdown button for actions and a sticky header. You need to add the table-advanced class to your table. If you want to make the header of the table sticky, you will need to add a container div class="table-module".